
Baptism Preperation

Gerard Kilroe
This program is designed to assist parents in their preparation for the baptism of their children. Parents and godparents are encouraged to understand how important it is for them to share their faith life with their children as this will be the basis for their children's faith journey.

We offer a 1-session course usually the first Saturday of the month for both parents to attend.

Children's Liturgy

Benzy David

The Children's Liturgy of the Word program is designed for children between the ages of 4-12 years. It is headed by a team of adult volunteers and parent volunteers. Registration is required.

For more information or to volunteer contact the Parish Office (403) 285-3773.


Deacon Norman Dumais

This sacrament of initiation prepares candidates to become full members of the church. The process is designed to assist the candidates as they take their places as mature Christians to face the challenges in the world and Church. The journey in faith by the candidates is made through input, support, encouragement, example and commitment on the part the parents, sponsors and the faith community of St. Thomas More. This process needs volunteer catechists, interviewers, and general administrative assistants. For more information contact our office (403) 285-3773.

First Eucharist

Ding Smith
The preparation program for First Eucharist is conducted through the parish, not through the Catholic schools. Children who have reached the age of seven are invited to prepare to receive their First Holy Communion. If your child has not been baptized in the Catholic Church, please notify the program coordinator. If your child is in Grade 4 or above, First Reconciliation is needed prior to receiving First Eucharist. Watch the bulletin for further details pertaining to registration and parent-child meetings at the church.

First Reconciliation

Ding Smith
The preparation for First Reconciliation is conducted through the parish, not through the Catholic schools.

Children who are in Grade 2 and up are invited to participate in the First Reconciliation preparation program.

Catholic Baptism is a prerequisite. If your child has not been baptized in the Catholic Church, please contact the parish office.

Watch the bulletin for further details pertaining to registration and parent-child meeting at the church.

Marriage Preparation

Parish Office
This ministry facilitates/presents the required pre-marriage course for the engaged. Contact Jose & Viriginia Diala through our Parish office (403) 285-3773.


Saba Baarez
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a journey of faith, researching and inquiring the Catholic faith. This is an ongoing process for those already baptized in other religious denominations and also for those not yet baptized or for adults who have been baptized Catholic but have not received their First Communion, First Reconciliation and/or Confirmation. This process needs volunteers to be sponsors, prayer partners, and catechists.


Rose Camier
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a journey of faith, researching and inquiring the Catholic faith. This is an ongoing process for those already baptized in other religious denominations and also for those not yet baptized or for adults who have been baptized Catholic but have not received their First Communion, First Reconciliation and/or Confirmation. This process needs volunteers to be sponsors, prayer partners, and catechists. Contact Saba Baarez through the Parish office (403) 285-3773.

Altar Services

Chad Smith

These young people assist the celebrant during Mass and are usually children in at least grade 3 and have made their First Communion. There are training sessions to become an Altar Server.

Collection Counters

Mervin & Diane Strome

Communion To Sick & Eucharistic Ministers

Parish Office

Lectors & Commentators

Nyles Fernandes

Ministers Of Hospitality

Denise Dumias & Everyone


Audrey Long

Youth & Children's Choir

Bettina Cortez

Finance Council

Evelyn Serrano

Is presently an appointed group of parishioners responsible for monitoring and approving the parish budget, parish operations and utilization of parish resources and materials. They work under the direction of the pastor to ensure the proper financial needs of the Parish.

Funeral Receptions


Upon request, this group of people provides a reception at the church following a funeral. All work is done by volunteers who make sandwiches, arrange baking on trays, serve and clean up after the reception. Coffee and juice are provided after prayers the evening before the funeral. If you would like to help in any of the areas mentioned above or would like to use this service please contact: CWL group through our office (403) 285-3773.

Multicultural Committee


Parish Pastoral Council

Benzy David

Is presently an appointed group of parishioners responsible for the spiritual direction of the faith community. They work closely with the priest to nurture the spiritual needs of the parish faith community. Contact Frank Benzy through our office (403) 285-3773.

Parish Vision and Mission Statement


Social Justice


Stewardship Committee

Nyles Fernandes

Together in Action

Evelyn Serrano

Vocations Committee

Associate Pastor

Volunteer Screening

Denise Dumais

Bldg. & Maintenance

Roone Learmont, Brian Strawford, Joe Kondracki, & Gerard Kilroe

This committee attends to repairs and maintenance of the church facility and rectory as required. If you are a handy person or a tradesperson and would like to volunteer your services or would just like to be a committee member, please contact our office (403) 285-3773. Or contact person is Roone Learmont (403) 280-2533.

Coffee After Mass

Nancy Huynh, Mary Anne Chin, & Flora Reyes

Environment & Art

Mary Anne Chin

Lawn / Snow Removal

Brian Strawford & Wayne Weisner

Parking Committee

Gerard Kilroe

Pastoral Health

Nyles Fernandes

These parishioners visit the sick or bereaved in their homes, hospitals or institutions and bring communion to them. As parish representatives, they meet together four times a year for coordination and formation of the ministry. An orientation course is required.

Peace & Development

Chica & Uche Ibelo

This is a diocesan and national organization to support financially the local missions and the poorest countries of the world through our Annual Bishop's Appeal. It also aims to increase awareness of social justice issues.

If you would like to be a member of this committee or would like more information. Please contact Chika & Uche Ibelo through our our office (403) 285-3773.

Plant / Flower Care

German & Tilma Divinagracia

This committee is responsible for preparing, maintaining and decorating our worship spaces for our liturgical seasons and special celebrations. Some of the members water, and mist flowers and plants and provide general care of our church, office and foyer plants. The time commitment would be Monday and/or Friday mornings for approximately 1-2 hours.

Seniors Homes

Monterey: Rose Camier & Mary Anne Chin
St. Teresa's Place: Evelyn Serrano & Flora Reyes
Whitehorn Village: Evelyn Serrano & Flora Reyes
Agecare Skypointe: Evelyn Serrano, Fe Badajos, & Flora Reyes

Bible Study


A lectionary based study, reflection and discussion group. Attention is focused on the upcoming Sunday readings. Meets every second Monday from 7:00-8:30pm.

Couples for Christ

Nelson & Juliet Dejos

Moved by the Holy Spirit, one with the Catholic Church, blessed to witness to Christ's love and service, Couples for Christ is a united global community of family evangelizers that sets the world on fire with the fullness of God's transforming love.

Couples for Christ (CFC) is a movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. The members have committed themselves to the Lord and to one another so that they may grow in maturity as men and women of God and fulfill their primary vocation of raising up families under the lordship of Jesus Christ and for the service of the Kingdom of God. Couples for Christ is a work of Christ which raises up Christian couples and establishes Christian families committed to the work of evangelization, winning the world for Christ and Total Human Liberation through the power of the Holy Spirit. It grows mainly through the establishment of localized units in different parishes.


Donna Drewniak

The CWL is a national organization rooted in Gospel values, calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God. Meets the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM. For women 16 years of age and older.

Divine Shepherd Charistmatic Prayer Group

Sunitha D'Cunha

"That at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Phil 2:10-11)

Please join us every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month from 07:00 PM to 08:30 PM, virtually on Zoom. We will begin with Holy Rosary, Praise & Worship followed by Spiritual Talk/Bible Study/Intercessory Prayers/Testimonies. Let's come and adore Him, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Friday Adoration Service Team

9:30 am till Noon

Intercessory Prayer Group

Zenaida Palmer

Knights of Columbus (K of C)

Gerard Kilroe

The Founder of The Knights of Columbus was Fr. Michael J. McGivney. Knights of Columbus have four mottos: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Their work is within the Church, community and schools. They are a Catholic men's organization with emphasis on the family. Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM.

Legion of Mary

Matia Bilgera

Over 60 Club

Karen Moisan

This group of over 60 year old parishioners meets weekly on Thursday afternoons for fellowship, playing cards, outings and other activities.

If you are over 60 contact Karen Moisan through our office (403) 285-3773.

Pro Life Group

Fanny de Leon

St. Vincent De Paul

Mervin & Diane Strome

This group of volunteers follow the spirituality of St. Vincent de Paul in the service of people in need within our parish boundaries. Our boundaries cover 36 ST NE East to the city limits and 32 AVE NE North to the Stoney Trail, which includes the following communities: Whitehorn, Temple, Monterey Park (north of 32 ave), Castleridge, Falconridge, Coral Springs, Martindale, Taradale, Saddle Ridge, Savanna, Cityscape, Skyview Ranch and Redstone. Families in need call our direct line 403-975-4318 to request a food hamper, once every four months. We prepare the food hamper and deliver it to their home. If they are in need of other services, we provide phone numbers to resources that are available in the city. If you would like to become a Vincentian team member or if you are in need of a food hamper, please contact Merv Strome through our parish office or call the St. Vincent de Paul line at 403-975-4318.

Sunday Rosary

Legion of Mary

Sunday School

Dorothy Fernandes

Youth Group

Thomas Blanco & Ohanna Padmaraj

Mission Statement:
St. Thomas More Parish Youth Ministry is committed to the reality that young people are an important and integral part of our Catholic Faith Community. The youth program seeks to foster maturing in faith of the youth of our Catholic Faith Community. We affirm the gifts of our youth and we foster opportunities for young people to share their gifts with the larger community. The spiritual and social needs of the youth are to be met with the committed leadership, guidance and support of our Catholic Faith Community Team. The adults and youth of our Catholic Faith Community are therefore provided with the opportunity to grow together in Christian faith. Through a variety of programs, events and outreach, we seek to draw young people into responsible participation in the life, work and mission of the Catholic Faith Community. We believe this ministry is to, with, by, and for young people and is a to blessing for the entire community.

Visit their web page:

Parish Location 15 Templebow Road NE
Calgary, Alberta, T1Y 6J3

Office Hours Tuesday to Saturday
10:00am – 3:00pm

Contact Phone: 403-285-3773

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